Salu Ylirisku
Books / monographs
Ylirisku, S. (2013). Frame it Simple! Towards a theory of conceptual designing (Doctoral dissertation). Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland [PDF]
Ylirisku, S., & Buur, J. (2007). Designing with Video: Focusing the user-centred design process (1st Edition.). Springer. [Link]
Journal articles
(incl. CHI conference full papers)
Poutanen, O., Ylirisku, S., & Hoppu, P. (2017). Technology Choreography: Studying Interactions in Microsoft’s Future Visions Through Dance. Human-Technology, 13(1), 10–31. [PDF]
Ylirisku, S., Sellen, A., Harper, R., Jacucci, G. (2015) Design Research as Conceptual Designing: The Manhattan Design Concept. Interacting with Computers. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwv040 [PDF]
Halkosaari, H.-M., Sarjakoski, L. T., Ylirisku, S., & Sarjakoski, T. (2013). Designing a Multichannel Map Service Concept. Human Technology, 9(1), 72–91. [PDF]
Ylirisku, S., Jacucci, G., Lindley, S., Banks, R., Stewart, C., Sellen, A., Harper, R., Regan, T. (2013). Designing Web-Connected Physical Artefacts for the “Aesthetic” of the Home. In CHI ’13 (pp. 909–918). Paris, France: ACM Press. [PDF]
Routarinne, S., & Ylirisku, S. (2012). Video Card Game as a Learning Design for Teacher Education. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 45, 370–380. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.573 [PDF]
Ylirisku, S., Halttunen, V., Nuojua, J., & Juustila, A. (2009). Framing design in the third paradigm. In CHI ’09: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1131–1140). [PDF]
Conference papers
Pekkala, J., & Ylirisku, S. (2017). The Role of Design Concepts in the Development of Industrial Services. In Proceedings of the Design for Next, 12th EAD Conference. Rome, Italy.
Dankl, K., Lucero, A., Mitchell, R., & Ylirisku, S. (2016). Sharing is Learning: Perspectives from Design. In Proceedings of the Conference on Teaching for Active Learning – TAL2016. Denmark: University of Southern Denmark.
Illi, M., & Ylirisku, S. (2016). Managing The Design And Development Of Visualised Support For Value-Based Selling Process In Paper Machine Industry. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual IMP conference: Change and Transformation of Markets, Networks and Relationships. Poznan, Poland.
Ylirisku, S., Buur, J., & Revsbæk, L. (2016a). Resourcing in Co-Design. In Proceedings of the DRS2016 conference. Brighton, UK: Design Research Society. [PDF]
Ylirisku, S., Buur, J., & Revsbæk, L. (2016b). Resourcing of Experience in Co-Design. In Proceedings of the 11th Design Thinking Research Symposium, DTRS’11. Copenhagen, Denmark. [PDF]
Ylirisku, S., Jylhä, A., Lehtiö, A., Ahmed, I., Stewart, C., Sellen, A., … Jacucci, G. (2016). Designing for Active Place Presence at Home: The Hole in Space Design Experiment. In Proceedings of DIS2016. Brisbane, Australia: ACM. [PDF]
Townsend, R., & Ylirisku, S. (2015). Context Construction through Material Perceptions: Experiences from an Explorative Workshop. In Proceedings of the EKSIG 2015 conference. Kolding, Denmark.
Illi, M., & Ylirisku, S. (2015). Applying Conceptual Design to B2B Sales Negotiations. Presented at the IMP Conference 2015, Kolding, Denmark.
Bellucci, A., Jacucci, G., Kotkavuori, V., Serim, B., Ahmed, I., & Ylirisku, S. (2015). Extreme Co-Design:Prototyping With and By the User for Appropriation of Web-Connected Tags. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium of End-User Development (pp. 109–124). Madrid, Spain: Springer. [PDF]
Lee, J.-J., Lindley, S., Ylirisku, S., Jacucci, G., Regan, T., & Nurminen, M. (2014). Domestic Appropriations of Tokens to the Web. In Proceedings of DIS2014. Vancouver, Canada: ACM Press. (Best paper award) [PDF]
Mattelmäki, T., Routarinne, S., & Ylirisku, S. (2011). Triggering the Storytelling Mode. In Proceedings of the Participatory Innovation Conference, PINC 2011 (pp. 38–44). Sønderborg, Denmark: University of Southern Denmark. [PDF]
Ylirisku, S., Kola, J.-P., Lohi, H., Mikkola, T., Pekkanen, R., Sarjakoski, T., … Udd, S. (2011). Business Case: Digital Map Services for Outdoor Leisure. In J. Buur (Ed.), Proceedings of the Participatory Innovation Conference, PINC 2011 (pp. 351–354). Sønderborg, Denmark: University of Southern Denmark.
Sarjakoski, T., Ylirisku, S., Flink, H.-M., & Weckman, S. (2009). Explorative User Study Approach for LBS Innovation for Hikers. In Proceedings of ICA the 24th International Cartographic Conference. Chile.
Hasu, M., Mattelmäki, T., & Ylirisku, S. (2009). Strategic Partnership as a Design Challenge – Applying Design Competence to Facilitate Innovation-Driven Relationships and Activities in Public Organization. In L. Norros, H. Koskinen, L. Salo, & P. Savioja (Eds.), ECCE 2009 – European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (pp. 297–300). Espoo, Finland: VTT. [PDF]
Mattelmäki, T., Hasu, M., & Ylirisku, S. (2009). Creating Mock-ups of Strategic Partnerships. In IASRD 2009: Rigor and Relevance in Design. Seoul, Korea: International Association of Societies of Design Research. [PDF]
Mattelmäki, T., Vaajakallio, K., & Ylirisku, S. (2007a). Active@work – Design dealing with social change. In Proceedings of Include 2007. Helen Hamlyn Research Center, RCA.
Ylirisku, S., & Mikkonen, J. (2007). Experiential Overdesigning: Turning the use of a library system into a show. In Virtual’07 Conference. Stockholm, Sweden: Linköping University
Ylirisku, S., & Vaajakallio, K. (2007). Situated Make Tools for envisioning ICTs with ageing workers. In Proceedings of Include 2007: designing with people conference. London, UK: Royal College of Art. [PDF]
Ylirisku, S., Vaajakallio, K., & Buur, J. (2007). Framing innovation In co-design sessions with everyday people. In Proceedings of the Second Nordic Design Research Conference. Konstfack Stockholm Sweden: Nordes. [PDF]
Battarbee, K., Mattelmäki, T., Ylirisku, S., Koskela, H., Soosalu, M., & Salo, H. T. (2005). Looking beyond the product: design research in industrial and academic collaboration. In Proceedings of Joining Forces conference. [PDF]
Ylirisku, S. (2004). Getting to the point with participatory video scenarios. In F. Darses, R. Dieng, C. Simone, & M. Zackland (Eds.), Cooperative Systems Design Conference (COOP’04): Scenario-Based Design of Collaborative Systems. Nice, France: IOS Press. [PDF]
Jääskö, V., Mattelmäki, T., & Ylirisku, S. (2003). The Scene of Experiences. In L. Haddon, E. Mante-Meijer, B. Sapio, K.-H. Kommonen, F. L, & K. A (Eds.), The Good the Bad and the Irrelevant. Helsinki, Finland: Media Lab UIAH. [PDF]
Chapters in academic books
Ylirisku, S., & Arvola, M. (2018). Varieties of Goodness in Design. In P. Vermaas & S. Vial (Eds.), Philosophy of Design: An Exploration. Springer.
Gowrishankar, R., Bredies, K., & Ylirisku, S. (2016). A Strategy for Material-specific e-Textile Interaction Design. In S. Schneegaß & O. Amft (Eds.), Handbook of Smart Textiles and Textile Electronics. Springer. [PDF]
Kettunen, P., Sarjakoski, L. T., Ylirisku, S., & Sarjakoski, T. (2012). Web Map Design for a Multipublishing Environment Based on Open APIs. In M. P. Peterson (Ed.), Online Maps with APIs and WebServices (pp. 177–193). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. [PDF]
Sellen, A., Gossett, P., Banks, R., Harper, R., Lindley, S., Taylor, S., … Ylirisku, S. (2011). Domesticating the Web. Helsinki, Finland: Aalto University / School of Art and Design / Department of Design. ISBN 978-952-60-4225-1
Sarjakoski, L. T., Sarjakoski, T., Koskinen, I., & Ylirisku, S. (2009). The Role of Augmented Elements to Support Aesthetic and Entertaining Aspects of Interactive Maps on the Web and Mobile Phones. In W. Cartwright, G. Eartner, & A. Lehn (Eds.), Cartography and Art (pp. 107–122). Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Ylirisku, S. (2007). Skenaariopohjainen suunnittelu. In Älykkäiden ympäristöjen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (Vol. Skenaariopohjainen suunnittelu Helsinki, Finland, pp. 224–230). Teknologiateollisuus.
Ylirisku, S., Norros, L., Kuutti, K., Keinonen, T., & Kaasinen, E. (2007). Elämää älykkäässä ympäristössä. In E. Kaasinen & L. Norros (Eds.), Älykkään ympäristön ekologinen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (pp. 17–26). Helsinki, Finland: Teknologiateollisuus.
Kaasinen, E., Alakärppä, I., Norros, L., Ikonen, V., Jokela, T., Soronen, H., Ylirisku, S., Välkkynen, P. (2007). Älykkään ympäristön arviointi. In E. Kaasinen & L. Norros (Eds.), Älykkään ympäristön ekologinen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (pp. 261–288). Helsinki, Finland: Teknologiateollisuus.
Kaasinen, E., Keinonen, T., Ylirisku, S., & Plomp, J. (2007). Älykkäiden ympäristöjen erityispiirteitä. In E. Kaasinen & L. Norros (Eds.), Älykkään ympäristön ekologinen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (pp. 95–113). Helsinki, Finland: Teknologiateollisuus.
Laarni, J., Näsänen, R., Lindberg, T., Soronen, H., Pulkkis, A., Appelqvist, P., Ylirisku, S., Norros, L. (2007). Ihmisen toiminta älykkäässä ympäristössä. In E. Kaasinen & L. Norros (Eds.), Älykkään ympäristön ekologinen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (pp. 114–166). Helsinki, Finland: Teknologiateollisuus.
Mattelmäki, T., Vaajakallio, K., & Ylirisku, S. (2007b). Individualised working facilities for ageing employees. In A. Pozzi (Ed.), Un modello di autovalutazione delle politiche di active ageing (pp. 119–127). Milan, Italy: Fanco Angeli.
Working papers
Ylirisku, S., & Falin, P. (2008). Knowing in Situated Design Action. In T. Keinonen (Ed.), Design Connections: Knowledge, Value, and Involvement in Design (pp. 8-17). Helsinki, Finland: University of Art and Design Helsinki. ISBN: 978-951-558-243-0. [PDF]
Other publications
Ylirisku, S., Kujala, S., Kytömaa, L., Tetri, E. (2014) Framing the Study of Pedestrians’ On-Going Experience of Safety in Dynamically Lit Urban Environment, Experiencing Light conference, November 10-11, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Sellen, A., Gossett, P., Banks, R., Harper, R., Lindley, S., Taylor, S., … Ylirisku, S. (2011). Domesticating the Web. Helsinki, Finland: Aalto University / School of Art and Design / Department of Design. ISBN 978-952-60-4225-1
Ylirisku, S. (2008). Kaupungin tulevaisuus paperin nurkalla. In H.-L. Hentilä, E. Ihatsu, & R. Suikkari (Eds.), Euroopan maaseutujen uhattu perintö, Pyhäjärvi, Julkaisu C 115 (pp. 95–102). Oulu, Finland: Oulun yliopisto, Arkkitehtuurin osasto, yhdyskuntasuunnittelun laboratorio.
Ryöppy, M., Ylirisku, S., Friis, P., & Buur, J. (2016). Postdramatic Theatre in Smart City Design. In Proceedings of the MindTrek 2016 Conference. Tampere, Finland. [PDF]