

Books / monographs

Ylirisku, S. (2013). Frame it Simple! Towards a theory of conceptual designing (Doctoral dissertation). Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland [PDF]

Ylirisku, S., & Buur, J. (2007). Designing with Video: Focusing the user-centred design process (1st Edition.). Springer. 

Journal articles

(incl. CHI conference full papers)

Ylirisku, S., Sellen, A., Harper, R., Jacucci, G. (2015) Design Research as Conceptual Designing: The Manhattan Design Concept. Interacting with Computers. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwv040 [PDF]

Halkosaari, H.-M., Sarjakoski, L. T., Ylirisku, S., & Sarjakoski, T. (2013). Designing a Multichannel Map Service Concept. Human Technology, 9(1), 72–91.

Ylirisku, S., Jacucci, G., Lindley, S., Banks, R., Stewart, C., Sellen, A., Harper, R., Regan, T. (2013). Designing Web-Connected Physical Artefacts for the “Aesthetic” of the Home. In CHI ’13 (pp. 909–918). Paris, France: ACM Press.

Routarinne, S., & Ylirisku, S. (2012). Video Card Game as a Learning Design for Teacher Education. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 45, 370–380. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.573

Ylirisku, S., Halttunen, V., Nuojua, J., & Juustila, A. (2009). Framing design in the third paradigm. In CHI ’09: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1131–1140).

Conference papers

Pekkala, J., & Ylirisku, S. (2017). The Role of Design Concepts in the Development of Industrial Services. In Proceedings of the Design for Next, 12th EAD Conference. Rome, Italy.

Dankl, K., Lucero, A., Mitchell, R., & Ylirisku, S. (2016). Sharing is Learning: Perspectives from Design. In Proceedings of the Conference on Teaching for Active Learning – TAL2016. Denmark: University of Southern Denmark.

Illi, M., & Ylirisku, S. (2016). Managing The Design And Development Of Visualised Support For Value-Based Selling Process In Paper Machine Industry. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual IMP conference: Change and Transformation of Markets, Networks and Relationships. Poznan, Poland.

Ylirisku, S., Buur, J., & Revsbæk, L. (2016a). Resourcing in Co-Design. In Proceedings of the DRS2016 conference. Brighton, UK: Design Research Society. [PDF]

Ylirisku, S., Buur, J., & Revsbæk, L. (2016b). Resourcing of Experience in Co-Design. In Proceedings of the 11th Design Thinking Research Symposium, DTRS’11. Copenhagen, Denmark. [PDF]

Ylirisku, S., Jylhä, A., Lehtiö, A., Ahmed, I., Stewart, C., Sellen, A., … Jacucci, G. (2016). Designing for Active Place Presence at Home: The Hole in Space Design Experiment. In Proceedings of DIS2016. Brisbane, Australia: ACM. [PDF]

Townsend, R., & Ylirisku, S. (2015). Context Construction through Material Perceptions: Experiences from an Explorative Workshop. In Proceedings of the EKSIG 2015 conference. Kolding, Denmark.

Illi, M., & Ylirisku, S. (2015). Applying Conceptual Design to B2B Sales Negotiations. Presented at the IMP Conference 2015, Kolding, Denmark.

Bellucci, A., Jacucci, G., Kotkavuori, V., Serim, B., Ahmed, I., & Ylirisku, S. (2015). Extreme Co-Design:Prototyping With and By the User for Appropriation of Web-Connected Tags. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium of End-User Development (pp. 109–124). Madrid, Spain: Springer.

Lee, J.-J., Lindley, S., Ylirisku, S., Jacucci, G., Regan, T., & Nurminen, M. (2014). Domestic Appropriations of Tokens to the Web. In Proceedings of DIS2014. Vancouver, Canada: ACM Press. (Best paper award)

Mattelmäki, T., Routarinne, S., & Ylirisku, S. (2011). Triggering the Storytelling Mode. In Proceedings of the Participatory Innovation Conference, PINC 2011 (pp. 38–44). Sønderborg, Denmark: University of Southern Denmark.

Ylirisku, S., Kola, J.-P., Lohi, H., Mikkola, T., Pekkanen, R., Sarjakoski, T., … Udd, S. (2011). Business Case: Digital Map Services for Outdoor Leisure. In J. Buur (Ed.), Proceedings of the Participatory Innovation Conference, PINC 2011 (pp. 351–354). Sønderborg, Denmark: University of Southern Denmark.

Sarjakoski, T., Ylirisku, S., Flink, H.-M., & Weckman, S. (2009). Explorative User Study Approach for LBS Innovation for Hikers. In Proceedings of ICA the 24th International Cartographic Conference. Chile.

Hasu, M., Mattelmäki, T., & Ylirisku, S. (2009). Strategic Partnership as a Design Challenge – Applying Design Competence to Facilitate Innovation-Driven Relationships and Activities in Public Organization. In L. Norros, H. Koskinen, L. Salo, & P. Savioja (Eds.), ECCE 2009 – European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (pp. 297–300). Espoo, Finland: VTT.

Mattelmäki, T., Hasu, M., & Ylirisku, S. (2009). Creating Mock-ups of Strategic Partnerships. In IASRD 2009: Rigor and Relevance in Design. Seoul, Korea: International Association of Societies of Design Research.

Mattelmäki, T., Vaajakallio, K., & Ylirisku, S. (2007a). Active@work – Design dealing with social change. In Proceedings of Include 2007. Helen Hamlyn Research Center, RCA.

Ylirisku, S., & Mikkonen, J. (2007). Experiential Overdesigning: Turning the use of a library system into a show. In Virtual’07 Conference. Stockholm, Sweden: Linköping University

Ylirisku, S., & Vaajakallio, K. (2007). Situated Make Tools for envisioning ICTs with ageing workers. In Proceedings of Include 2007: designing with people conference. London, UK: Royal College of Art.

Ylirisku, S., Vaajakallio, K., & Buur, J. (2007). Framing innovation In co-design sessions with everyday people. In Proceedings of the Second Nordic Design Research Conference. Konstfack Stockholm Sweden: Nordes.

Battarbee, K., Mattelmäki, T., Ylirisku, S., Koskela, H., Soosalu, M., & Salo, H. T. (2005). Looking beyond the product: design research in industrial and academic collaboration. In Proceedings of Joining Forces conference.

Ylirisku, S. (2004). Getting to the point with participatory video scenarios. In F. Darses, R. Dieng, C. Simone, & M. Zackland (Eds.), Cooperative Systems Design Conference (COOP’04): Scenario-Based Design of Collaborative Systems. Nice, France: IOS Press.

Jääskö, V., Mattelmäki, T., & Ylirisku, S. (2003). The Scene of Experiences. In L. Haddon, E. Mante-Meijer, B. Sapio, K.-H. Kommonen, F. L, & K. A (Eds.), The Good the Bad and the Irrelevant. Helsinki, Finland: Media Lab UIAH.

Chapters in academic books

Ylirisku, S., & Arvola, M. (2017). Varieties of Goodness in Design. In P. Vermaas & S. Vial (Eds.), Philosophy of Design: An Exploration. Springer.

Gowrishankar, R., Bredies, K., & Ylirisku, S. (2016). A Strategy for Material-specific e-Textile Interaction Design. In S. Schneegaß & O. Amft (Eds.), Handbook of Smart Textiles and Textile Electronics. Springer.

Kettunen, P., Sarjakoski, L. T., Ylirisku, S., & Sarjakoski, T. (2012). Web Map Design for a Multipublishing Environment Based on Open APIs. In M. P. Peterson (Ed.), Online Maps with APIs and WebServices (pp. 177–193). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Retrieved from

Sellen, A., Gossett, P., Banks, R., Harper, R., Lindley, S., Taylor, S., … Ylirisku, S. (2011). Domesticating the Web. Helsinki, Finland: Aalto University / School of Art and Design / Department of Design. ISBN 978-952-60-4225-1

Sarjakoski, L. T., Sarjakoski, T., Koskinen, I., & Ylirisku, S. (2009). The Role of Augmented Elements to Support Aesthetic and Entertaining Aspects of Interactive Maps on the Web and Mobile Phones. In W. Cartwright, G. Eartner, & A. Lehn (Eds.), Cartography and Art (pp. 107–122). Berlin, Germany: Springer.

Ylirisku, S. (2007). Skenaariopohjainen suunnittelu. In Älykkäiden ympäristöjen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (Vol. Skenaariopohjainen suunnittelu Helsinki, Finland, pp. 224–230). Teknologiateollisuus.

Ylirisku, S., Norros, L., Kuutti, K., Keinonen, T., & Kaasinen, E. (2007). Elämää älykkäässä ympäristössä. In E. Kaasinen & L. Norros (Eds.), Älykkään ympäristön ekologinen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (pp. 17–26). Helsinki, Finland: Teknologiateollisuus.

Kaasinen, E., Alakärppä, I., Norros, L., Ikonen, V., Jokela, T., Soronen, H., Ylirisku, S., Välkkynen, P. (2007). Älykkään ympäristön arviointi. In E. Kaasinen & L. Norros (Eds.), Älykkään ympäristön ekologinen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (pp. 261–288). Helsinki, Finland: Teknologiateollisuus.

Kaasinen, E., Keinonen, T., Ylirisku, S., & Plomp, J. (2007). Älykkäiden ympäristöjen erityispiirteitä. In E. Kaasinen & L. Norros (Eds.), Älykkään ympäristön ekologinen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (pp. 95–113). Helsinki, Finland: Teknologiateollisuus.

Laarni, J., Näsänen, R., Lindberg, T., Soronen, H., Pulkkis, A., Appelqvist, P., Ylirisku, S., Norros, L. (2007). Ihmisen toiminta älykkäässä ympäristössä. In E. Kaasinen & L. Norros (Eds.), Älykkään ympäristön ekologinen suunnittelu: kohti ekologista systeemiajattelua (pp. 114–166). Helsinki, Finland: Teknologiateollisuus.

Mattelmäki, T., Vaajakallio, K., & Ylirisku, S. (2007b). Individualised working facilities for ageing employees. In A. Pozzi (Ed.), Un modello di autovalutazione delle politiche di active ageing (pp. 119–127). Milan, Italy: Fanco Angeli.

Working papers

Ylirisku, S., & Falin, P. (2008). Knowing in Situated Design Action. In T. Keinonen (Ed.), Design Connections: Knowledge, Value, and Involvement in Design (pp. 8-17). Helsinki, Finland: University of Art and Design Helsinki. ISBN: 978-951-558-243-0.

Other publications


Ylirisku, S., Kujala, S., Kytömaa, L., Tetri, E. (2014) Framing the Study of Pedestrians’ On-Going Experience of Safety in Dynamically Lit Urban Environment, Experiencing Light conference, November 10-11, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.


Sellen, A., Gossett, P., Banks, R., Harper, R., Lindley, S., Taylor, S., … Ylirisku, S. (2011). Domesticating the Web. Helsinki, Finland: Aalto University / School of Art and Design / Department of Design. ISBN 978-952-60-4225-1

Ylirisku, S. (2008). Kaupungin tulevaisuus paperin nurkalla. In H.-L. Hentilä, E. Ihatsu, & R. Suikkari (Eds.), Euroopan maaseutujen uhattu perintö, Pyhäjärvi, Julkaisu C 115 (pp. 95–102). Oulu, Finland: Oulun yliopisto, Arkkitehtuurin osasto, yhdyskuntasuunnittelun laboratorio. 


Ryöppy, M., Ylirisku, S., Friis, P., & Buur, J. (2016). Postdramatic Theatre in Smart City Design. In Proceedings of the MindTrek 2016 Conference. Tampere, Finland.